The history of money

It is important to understand how money works, and part of doing that is by studying how it has worked in the past. Money has progressed over the centuries from something as simple as a rather more complicated as barter are derived. It has gone from being an object to be an idea, so it's not tangible and intuitive. It is important to study the money to enrich themselves. Some important dates are: 

• 1903 - General Board of Education Rockefeller takes over the education system in the U.S. 
• 1913 - The Federal Reserve is created 
• 1929 - The Great Depression 
• 1944 - The Bretton Woods 
• 1971 - Nixon takes the dollar off the gold standard 
• 1974 - Congress passes the Act Employee Retirement Income Security

Plan your family expenses

Being responsible for a family is no easy task. Have certainly been many opportunities where you lost patience trying to plan household expenses to cover your salary every household needs. Including health , education , food , entertainment and stop counting . Have you ever thought about the possibility of involving your whole family in this process ? Today we will share with you 4 tips to build a financial plan together.

1. Define your goals :
Any strategy needs clear objectives and a committed team . Involve your family in developing the plan and define together what kind of property should invest money and what expenses must be reduced .

2. Anticipate risks :
The first thing to consider is that your family's financial plan should include expenditure on insurance that may threaten your assets and your family's health . Their welfare is first!

3. Save on Family:
Talk with your household about the importance of saving their expenses. Make a list of how much they save , what goals they want to achieve and how to achieve it . See that each family member to contribute their ideas.

4. Plan your credits :
If you need to finance household consumption through a credit or cash card, which evaluates the options that best suit what your family needs are . Our allies Foreign Bank offer different services for you.

Being is unsurpassed be cautious and organized. Work with your family to set an ideal for their needs financial plan. Develop a project together allow each of the members to get involved in issues related to family finances and understand the importance of having a strategy. Remember that several heads are better than one .

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What should we keep in mind when investing in the stock market ?

A proper assessment of the investment in shares should consider a means horizontea long term, given the potential to add value to shareholders through dividend payments, endowment of corporations and profit from their sale.

Being obvious that investment in equity presents opportunities, it is no less true that investing in stocks is not without risk and volatility, investors continue to face many uncertainties, which in many cases can end up with unexpected losses. In addition to the increased volatility, increased risk of fluctuations in the price, investing in stocks involves a greater risk to the shareholder in the event of insolvency or bankruptcy of the company, in these circumstances, the company should be liquidated and ordinary shareholders be placed in last place in the division with respect to bondholders and other creditors.

Therefore, in the case of this financial instrument is absolutely crucial to know and appreciate their essential characteristics, so that the investor can marry potential risk levels and profitability inherent in such assets with their ability to withstand losses and profitability objectives and the time horizon of your investment.

Finally, it is important to understand the variables that influence the valuation of shares: corporate earnings, interest rates, economic data, etc. Your knowledge and follow-up will allow the investor a more prudent and efficient, generating investment ideas more discretion and based on their own expectations management.

Before making investment decisions in stock market, investors should analyze in detail its profitability targets, its ability to withstand temporary losses and investment horizon (short, medium or long term), to plan in detail a strategy consistent with said characteristics.

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How to control your personal expenses

Use a simple plan that takes just five minutes a day of your activities, to help you discover what you do with your money each month. I know your answer is: Of course I know what I do with my money! But you can not imagine the amount of surface without any benefit we buy or the amount of other expenses that are necessary and do things without any control, you unbalancing our finances each month. 

Some time ago I took a daily log of our spending and this has not only allowed me to know where our money is going, but it has also allowed me to better plan my expenses and have also achieved thanks to that power save each month and forming a pad for my future projects. 

What you have to do is really little and the benefits it can give you that task are immense. Follow these simple tips to learn how to get organized:

  • Track your daily expenses 
  • Create categories for your spending and payment 
  • You can use Excel 
  • Notes and plans

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Financial Education Online

Financial education is not taken into account in our society as in a university environment, or the nuclear family is why more and more people are affected economically, you motivated to practice little financial intelligence. Indeed practices to be developed because it is a simpler than you think tools are required, just record the time of an action should be used, that perseverance will take to finalize the proposed goal, likewise discipline is another fundamental key of itself required an extra effort to go about doing things in the best possible way and finally the method planifición be designed in the execution of the project that was carried out.

In other words, what should be considered is the following:

 If the answer to those asking are NO starts today the commitment to yourself to create the solid financial foundation for your education, you must take control of your finances improve, get better every day and surpass yourself.

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