How to control your personal expenses

Use a simple plan that takes just five minutes a day of your activities, to help you discover what you do with your money each month. I know your answer is: Of course I know what I do with my money! But you can not imagine the amount of surface without any benefit we buy or the amount of other expenses that are necessary and do things without any control, you unbalancing our finances each month. 

Some time ago I took a daily log of our spending and this has not only allowed me to know where our money is going, but it has also allowed me to better plan my expenses and have also achieved thanks to that power save each month and forming a pad for my future projects. 

What you have to do is really little and the benefits it can give you that task are immense. Follow these simple tips to learn how to get organized:

  • Track your daily expenses 
  • Create categories for your spending and payment 
  • You can use Excel 
  • Notes and plans

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